Moth on the underside of a leaf caught by the sun (Costa Rica)
 Multicolored leafhopper insect (Costa Rica)
 Blue, yellow, and orange insect (Costa Rica)
 Yellow and black swallowtail butterfly (Costa Rica)
 Sleeping blue morpho butterfly (Costa Rica)
 Giant brown Long-horned Beetle (Callipogon lemoinei) (family Cerambycidae, subfamily Prioninae) with off-white markings (Costa Rica)
 Transparent moth (Costa Rica)
 Orange; yellow; and black butterfly (Costa Rica)
 Elongated blue and orange insect (Malaysia)
 Spotted tiger beetle (Cicindela aurulenta) (Malaysia)
 Red; orange; white; black (Malaysia)
 Orange and black insect (planthopper?) (Suriname)
 Leaf-mimicking praying mantis (Suriname)
 Leaf-mimicking praying mantis (Suriname)
 Hot pink and turquoise insect (Suriname)
 Leaf-mimicking insect (Suriname)
 Blue-eyed dragonfly (Brazil)
 Fury white planthopper (Brazil)
 Turquoise-headed black flying insect (Brazil)
 Red-eyed dragonfly (Brazil)
 Red-eyed dragonfly (Brazil)
 Red insect
 Red; black; and white butterfly
 Transparent butterfly of the Nymphalidae family (Subfamily Satyrinae)
 Black; blue; and orange butterfly in Colombia
 Poisonous caterpillar displaying its neon green but venemous spines
 Black; orange; and light blue butterfly on a Heliconia leaf
 Blue and green butterfly (Gabon)
 Brachydiplax dragonfly on blade of grass (Indonesia)
 Yellow-; green-; and orange-spotted butterfly in leaf litter (Indonesia)
 Red grasshawk dragonfly
 Blue-eyed butterfly (Indonesia)
 Postman butterfly, Heliconius erato or melpomene (blue form) (Brazil)
 Leaf insect
 Leaf-mimicking treehopper
 Orange and blue planthopper
 A katydid in Malaysia with a red head; black body; yellow winds; and black and yellow legs (Malaysia)
 Close up on leaf insect (Malaysia)
 Colorful butterflies feeding on minerals on a river beach (Malaysia)
 Metallic green; yellow; and copper colored beetle (Malaysia)
 Black caterpillar with off-white stripes; yellow spines; and orange antenna (pan01-0777)
 Iguazu Butterflies; Brazil
 Grasshopper; Honduras
 Moth; Honduras
 Moth; Honduras
 Owl butterfly (Caligo idomeneus) (Peru)
 Swarms of lake flies in a garden near Lake Victoria (Uganda)
 Black and yellow butterfly (Uganda)